
It seems that our children are surrounded at every turn with dangerous influences that seem to encourage or ignore substance abuse. In sports, television, movies and neighborhoods–there seems to be people who can use drugs and still be successful. How do we defy these influences so that we can keep our kids from succumbing to substance abuse and addiction?

Drugs appeal to young people because it seems like it will solve some sort of problem. Sometimes being shy or feeling unable to fit in, different stressors in social, school or family situations, boredom or lack excitement can be a component.  They must see that the risks of using drugs far outweigh what they perceive as the benefits. Kids can understand this concept if it is expressed in their terms.

We at are here to teach kids -families- businesses- how to recognize the early signs of behaviors that can lead to addiction. We have studied and teamed up with professionals in the field related to the treatments of mental illness, addiction and depression. Our outreaches have proven to lead to positive outcomes in rallying recovery. Working with the “under 15” crowd with events and talking candidly about not having to be pressured into joining the crowds to use drugs and alcohol.  Our mission to hold awesome events that kids love, while effectively teaching prevention.

How can you help?


We are a 501C3 Florida non-profit organization, which means all donations are tax-deductible for individuals or businesses. We raise money through community events, but otherwise, we pay everything out of pocket. We have big dreams of reaching all of the regions in the United States within 5 years.


Help at an event, assist our founder in his every day phone calls and tasks, listen to someone in need...whatever it takes, your efforts are always appreciated.

Become a Partner

Our partners have helped Families Recover impact and change the lives of over 2,100 adults with addiction, as well as bring awareness and educational programs to our youth. These important partners also provide help and hope to victims of addiction and their families.

our goal is
helping people

$ 0
Donations this year
Homeless people helped
Women and Children saved


Take Action Now

Donate today to help a family that is struggling with addiction.

Latest News

2025 Miami Heat Kids Outreach

Our 11th year providing outreach stadium events.This year was our biggest yet with 250 in the stands from our Non profit. WE invited other non…
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Unity Makes Strength

Our partners are from all over the world