As a 501(c)(3) non-profit,
the Mission for is to offer hope and support through education, prevention, and positive intervention for families being torn apart by addiction.
Families Recover realizes that addiction can begin at a very early age. Children in the United States are under pressure as early as Elementary School to make bad choices that result in the total destruction of their lives and the lives of each one of their family members. We developed an outreach program at Families Recover for people that are already involved in their addiction recovery and the try to help them repair the damage their addiction or the addiction of a loved one has caused and help them restore a better relationship with their family. Families Recover is about helping families and individuals navigate the route from addictions to recovery.
Our Mission
We work to save lives from the grips of addiction, reuniting families, and creating overall well being.
Our Vision
We seek a world of hope, tolerance, and peace free from addiction, where addiction to substances has been overcome and all the families we help live with dignity and security.
Our Values
We believe in urgent action, innovation, and the necessity of transformation in the family structure to help combat addiction.
John’s Story
“I’ve been there, struggling with alcohol and drug addiction for many years. Like too many who have an addiction, I stayed sober for a while, then something would happen in my life and I’d try to drown out the pain with booze and pills. It only made things worse. My bad behavior and addiction cost me big money, great jobs, super friends, my loving family, and my self-respect. This went on for ten brutal years until I finally decided that it was time to start working on the real solution. I guess could have blamed it on my Irish heritage or the fact that I work around alcohol at an early age in the Italian Food industry but the plain and simple fact was, I was an addict and I had to do something about it.
My answer came in 1999 through following a 12-step program and doing a whole lot of work through those steps. Through my regularly attending group counseling sessions, I found help taking the advice of other people that have been there in the same situations and they were holding me accountable for my actions. It’s something that has proven to be my safety net and I have to do on daily basis. I’ve found that my story is a daily reprieve. I’m living a recovered life with my new wife who I love dearly and two young sons that need me there. I living proof that recovery from addiction is possible.
I’ve been there, and by the Grace of God, I’m still there. With recovery comes responsibility. You have to get past the craving side of any addiction, you have to work on it and accountability plays a key role in my story. Anything that you’re addicted to can be beaten. Once you get past that physical craving that suddenly becomes an emotional craving in your body that is when you appreciate most those that will hold you accountable.
While you work with accountability group or other people you know, I found that prayer and a spiritual life helps you to understand that you are here on this planet not by chance, you have a purpose, to get involved in activities to help other people and try to guide them into a life of recovery. If you are reading this and you want to help other people find a way to recovery click on our contact us page and let’s do something now before it’s too late.”
~ Founder John Nelson