Our Law Enforcement Partnership
Families Recover has a tremendous relationship with Local Law Enforcement. In fact, spokespeople for Families Recover interviewed on local television news and radio broadcasts are constantly reminding drivers during heavy traffic holiday periods to report anyone they see driving erratically to the authorities. Our relationship with Law Enforcement in Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River County has helped the community understand that Families Recover doesn’t believe the addicted person is the victim, we believe they are being victimized by the one with the addiction.
Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office– Rick Bradshaw, the sheriff of Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office is the largest law enforcement agency in Florida. With more than 4,000 employees and 4,300 volunteers, the department provides police services for more than 680,000 residents.
Vice Mayor City Commissioner Eula Clark is an instrumental figure in South Florida’s improvement against social issues.
We don’t want to lose anyone to drivers who insist on drinking. Unfortunately, not all of our families have happy endings. There have been instances where families that are in recovery have been notified that their 19 year old son was killed in a wreck that involving underage drinking of alcohol. Even in a devastating tragedy like losing someone to a bad decision of breaking the law and driving while intoxicated, Families Recover is there for the families guiding them to the right people in the community that have been through situations like this. Comforting them in the loss and helping the family realize it wasn’t their fault is part of how we can help.
Many grieving parents take on that guilt for the rest of their lives. The “IF only” haunting thought, that “IF only” I would’ve done something different he or she would still be alive. Addiction is a terrible thief. It steals family members away long before there are tragic circumstances like untimely deaths to deal with as a family. Letting the family, and at Families Recover we mean the whole family; mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, and grandparents know that through loving counseling, they can move on and that families do recover.