Intervention believes that if someone is on the edge of addiction, intervention is a must. We have facilities throughout the USA and Canada that can successfully detox and rehab these people. Families and or corporations have come to us for years on how to successfully do an intervention. If you suspect a loved one or employee is facing destruction from this disease, please feel free to contact us. We can help and we do care.
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How can you help?
We are a 501C3 Florida non-profit organization, which means all donations are tax-deductible for individuals or businesses. We raise money through community events, but otherwise, we pay everything out of pocket. We have big dreams of reaching all of the regions in the United States within 5 years.
Help at an event, assist our founder in his every day phone calls and tasks, listen to someone in need...whatever it takes, your efforts are always appreciated.
Become a Partner
Our partners have helped Families Recover impact and change the lives of over 2,100 adults with addiction, as well as bring awareness and educational programs to our youth. These important partners also provide help and hope to victims of addiction and their families.
our goal is
helping people
Last Campaigns
Habitat for Humanity Global Village
Help us save Punto Crea in Guatemala
Take Action Now
Donate today to help a family that is struggling with addiction.
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2025 Miami Heat Kids Outreach
Unity Makes Strength